
Beijing Olympics 2008 but senior officials are confident the country

China spent more than $42 billion to stage the Beijing Olympics but senior officials are confident the country will not go into a post-Games recession.
"The Olympic Games won't be a watershed for China's economic growth," the China Daily reported Monday, quoting Wang Yiming, vice president of the Academy of Macroeconomic Research.
China's economic growth slowed to 10.1 percent in the first half of this year after growing at an annual 11.9 percent rate last year, raising concerns the economy may shrink after the growth-boosting Games.
But Wang said the fundamentals that helped drive China's economic growth the past three decades will not change even after the Olympics, the report said.
He said given the size of China's economy, the Games had only a limited impact. Since 2001, when China was picked to host the 2008 Summer Olympics, the country's economy has grown an average of 10.5 percent, the report said.
China's cost for the Beijing Olympics included $1.89 billion to build the sports facilities and $40.75 billion to improve urban infrastructure, the report said.
Chinese officials were quoted as saying the country will continue its substantial investment in infrastructure even after the Games to sustain the economy's growth momentum.
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Dairy Farmers from the Australian Competition also Consumer Commission

Reports of Murray Goulburn making a solo bid for Dairy Farmers early last week appear to be accurate, with the company asking for approval of a potential takeover of Dairy Farmers from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Murray Goulburn was initially planning to make a joint bid with Parmalat, but the two companies could not come to terms on an appropriate deal. Negotiations between the two officially ceased a week and a half ago.
The proposal by Murray Goulburn is for 100% of Dairy Farmers’ cheese and ingredients business and Dairy Farmers’ shares equivalent to between 20 and 50% of the total shares on issue on a fully diluted basis. Murray Goulburn is also looking to enter into a milk supply arrangement with Dairy Farmers. “Under this arrangement, DFMC (Dairy Farmers Milk Co-operative) will supply milk sourced in South Australia, Victoria and Southern NSW to Murray Goulburn for on-supply to Dairy Farmers. The remaining milk sourced in mid and northern NSW and Queensland will be supplied directly to Dairy Farmers, consistent with current arrangements,” the competition watchdog was informed.
With Murray Goulburn re-entering the race the bidding for Dairy Farmers is reportedly between the National Foods - Warrnambool Cheese and Butter joint venture, Murray Goulburn and Canadian dairy firm Saputo - who are yet to publicly confirm their interest.
National Foods still appear most likely to gain control of the Australian dairy co-operative given their strong financial backing from Japanese brewer Kirin and their willingness to licence some of their brands in order to appease the ACCC’s competition concerns.
The ACCC are inviting submissions from interested parties regarding the Murray Goulburn proposal until Thursday with a final announcement due on Thursday week
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Opportunities for Australian agricultural exports to Malaysia

Australia can play an important role in meeting Malaysia’s food consumption and demand for food processing inputs, according to a new ABARE report.The report, ‘Changing food consumption and imports in Malaysia: Opportunities for Australian agricultural exports’ was released today by Phillip Glyde, Executive Director of ABARE.
“With continued income and population growth, Malaysian food consumption is shifting away from starchy staples such as rice and cassava and more toward wheat-based products including breads and bakery products, meat, dairy products, seafood, fruit and vegetables,” Mr Glyde said. “With limited domestic production of many agricultural products, food demand is expected to increase and to be met largely by imports.”
Australia is the leading agricultural exporter to Malaysia. The key imports from Australia are wheat, sugar and dairy products. Other imports important for Australia include wool, live cattle, vegetables, sheep meat, beef and fruits.
However, ABARE reports that trade with Malaysia is not without its difficulties. “Despite applied tariffs on agricultural commodities being mostly low or zero, other trade barriers such as tariff quotas and license requirements of a range of agricultural products could restrict access to Malaysia’s market,” Mr Glyde explained. “In addition, there are Malaysian government controls on domestic prices for some food products such as wheat based products and sugar. These controls could hinder growth in Australia’s exports of these commodities to Malaysia.”
The food processing industry in Malaysia is growing, with many intermediate inputs being imported. For example, wheat and sugar are used for further processing for bakery products and confectionery as well as the use of meat in the production and export of halal products which provides export opportunities for Australia.

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Breaking The 'Mucus Barrier' With A New Drug Delivery System

Those conditions include lung cancer, cervical cancer and cystic fibrosis, the research noted in a presentation scheduled for the 236th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
"We studied the properties of disease-causing viruses that evolved to infect mucosal surfaces to engineer a coating that enables our drug delivery particles to penetrate mucus layers in minutes. In our new work, we have improved the coatings considerably to allow faster penetration for a wider array of particle sizes," says lead presenter Samuel K. Lai, Ph.D.
Mucus, the slippery secretion lining the lung airways, surface of the eye, gastrointestinal tract, and female reproductive tract, may seem delicate. But it is a tenacious barrier, effectively keeping out most pathogens and limiting infections.
"Mucus has evolved to be a highly efficient barrier," says Justin Hanes, professor of chemical & biomolecular engineering at Johns Hopkins University, the lead investigator of the study. "For example, we constantly inhale particles into our lungs, but they typically stick to mucus rather than penetrate it. Particles that stick are removed rapidly from the lungs on a mucus 'conveyor belt,' and are swallowed and sterilized in the gut. Mucus barriers protect us from constant infection, as well as everyday things like the millions of particles in the black cloud emitted from a bus when it takes off from a stop."
Unfortunately, mucus also prevents the passage of many beneficial drugs. And when the mucus gets thicker — most notably in diseases like chronic sinusitis, cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder — drug treatment of the lungs and other mucus-lined areas becomes more difficult.

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Hydrangeas can be dried

Q The hydrangeas are beautiful this year. Is there a way to dry hydrangeas to keep them as a centerpiece? A Hydrangeas, and other summer flowers, can be preserved by drying. Pick flowers at the height of their bloom before they begin to fade and at midday, not after a rainfall.Air dry: It's the simple way. Immediately after picking, hang flowers upside down on a line out of direct sunlight. Attics, closets and pantries are good locations; basements, porches, garages and other damp places are not. Divide the flowers into small bunches to avoid crowding or crushing. The stems of the flowers can be tied together with twine, wire, pipe cleaners, rubber bands or anything that will hold them securely yet not break the stems. Time to dry can be a couple of weeks or more depending on the moisture content of the flowers and the ambient humidity. Glycerine: The chemical replaces the water in the plant, making the preserved plant supple and long-lasting. Use two parts water to one part glycerine, making sure the water is lukewarm for better mixing and faster absorption. Where leaves only are used, they should be submerged completely in the solution. Where leaves attached to stems are used, then only the stems are immersed into the solution. It can take two to three weeks for the solution to reach the leaf tips. If the samples appear to wilt after removal from the solution, hang them upside down so the glycerine will migrate to leaf and branch tips.Sand drying: Use very fine, clean, dry and preferably salt-free sand. Sift to remove coarse grains and foreign particles, and rinse with water several times to remove any soil. (Damp sand can be dried in an oven by placing in shallow pans and baking at 250 degrees for 30 minutes.) Place 1 to 2 inches of sand in a container; scoop away a small amount of sand to form a depression on the surface; place the flower head upright in this depression and press the sand in and around the outside of the flower to support it. Next, scoop a little sand into your hand and allow it to trickle in a fine stream around each petal. Start with the outer petals and work inward row by row, allowing the sand to build up equally on all sides of each petal so its position and shape are not altered. Flowers dried this way are fragile, so be careful when removing them from the sand. Store in a strong carton to protect the petals from breaking.Homemade agents: Various mixtures can be made with ingredients found in most kitchens such as 2 cups of Borax, 2 cups of corn meal and 3 tablespoons of noniodized salt. (The salt preserves the color.) After placing the flowers head down in a shoe box lined with wax paper, pour the mixture over them until the heads are covered. Keep checking to see if the flowers are dry, from a few days to a week or more.

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Researchers study amino acid linked to artery disease

High levels of the amino acid homocysteine are often a risk factor for coronary artery disease. Researchers in Norway recently studied the effect of lowering those levels. Researchers thought they could “lower the risk for having further heart attacks and related disease,” said Dr. Marta Ebbing, a researcher at the Haukeland University Hospital in Norway. The study focused on more than 3,000 patients with coronary artery disease. Some received a daily dose of vitamin B-12, B-6 or folic acid. Others received a placebo or sugar pill.Patients’ homocysteine levels were monitored for about three years.“Although we lowered homocysteine by almost one-third, it did not seem to have any beneficial effects,” Ebbing said. None of the various forms of B vitamins helped lower the risk of heart attacks, stroke or death, researchers found. Researchers said they did not see any adverse effects from the B vitamins either. “Our findings might imply that homocysteine does not change the course of coronary artery disease, but it’s just a ... marker of increased risk in coronary artery disease patients,” Ebbing said.Researchers said their findings were consistent with previous studies, but they feel further clinical trials involving B vitamins are necessary to better understand how they may impact patient health.The study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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A childhood casserole called African chow mein

Herald Columnist It's entirely possible that, somewhere among the now remaining 30of the 32 recipes 27 Forum cooks have sent along, there reallywas/is THE original recipe for that mind-bogglingly popular dishcalled African chow mein.
It's entirely impossible, though, to determine just which of allthose recipes it might actually have been/might be. Because, yousee, no two (let alone three or four) are identical, not to mentioneven a very close match.
No, folks, this is one of those recipe happenings that apparentlyreally, really lent itself to personal ingredient/tasteadjustments. One of those dishes where the cook decided it would bebetter with more or less of this or that, improved with theaddition or omission of such and such, and so forth and so on.
Some recipes have two soups, some have one; some have bean sprouts,some have none. Most call for regular rice, but a few specify thefast-cook kind, and the amounts run the gamut from 1/2 cup uncookedto 3 cups cooked. How much onion varies from 1/2 cup chopped to 2onions, diced, and the celery measurements, some chopped, somesliced, jump from a little to a lot.
You get the idea. Now you get today's helping of contributor'sdelicious comments and concoctions, in an old-style recipe formatto feed you more choices faster. So eeny, meeny, miny, mo, here wego:
Everett cook Mary Samuels tells us, "This is regarding the requestfor a childhood casserole called African chow mein. When I wasgrowing up, we had a recipe from my grandmother called hamburgeroriental. When my mom worked swing shift, we would often come homefrom school to find this on warm in the oven in her big yellowPyrex bowl.
"I usually chop some water chestnuts and add to this for moretexture, and I have also added mushrooms, if I have them on hand. Ihave also used ground turkey for this recipe, and I suppose youcould substitute ground chicken also.''
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Services surprised positively due to rising steel prices and windfall gains

Germany's largest steel-maker now expects full-year pretax afterone-off effects to reach more than 3.2 billion euros, versusprevious guidance for a figure exceeding 3 billion euros.
Pretax profit after one-off effects in the quarter ended June 30fell to 909 million euros from 1.219 billion but clearly beatexpectations of 808 million euros. One-off effects were mainly the restructuring costs at the metalforming operations of ThyssenKrupp's steel division, as well aslaunch costs for new plants in the United States and Brazil.
'Services surprised positively due to rising steel prices andwindfall gains. Technologies also came in at the top-end ofexpectations,' Dirk Nettling, analyst at Commerzbank said. Strong global demand for plant construction helped profits atThyssenKrupp's technologies division, while services posted a 13percent increase in pretax profit to 248 million euros, as itssteel trading operations, unlike the steel division, were able tobenefit from rising steel prices.
In ThyssenKrupp's stainless steel division, pretax profit fell to93 million euros from 296 million a year earlier, mainly due tolower nickel prices.
Its steel division posted pretax profit of 389 million, down 9percent, as the steel-maker could not pass higher raw materialcosts on to customers due to the high share of annual ormulti-annual contracts in its steel pricing contract mix.
Even though the company remained vague on the extent to which ithas been able to re-negotiate steel prices on existing forwardcontracts, only saying its steel division will not be able to passon to customers the sharp rise in raw material costs, analysts saidthird-quarter earnings shed light on ThyssenKrupp's bargainingclout.
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The opportunity for synergy between Sears and LL Cool J has been phenomenal

The LL Cool J Collection of clothing for Sears debuts in 450 stores nationwide on Sunday, September 7, 2008 , and the collection coincides with the release of his latestalbum, "Exit 13," also available at select Sears stores and atSears.com on September 9 .
" Mark Seliger and I have been collaborating on various projects for years. Hephotographed me for his first Rolling Stone cover," says LL Cool J."Now, years later, we have reunited with him shooting my first campaign for Sears. Mark's photography is able to convey the heritage of the LL Cool J brand and expertly captures the collection." The Fall 2008 advertising campaign spotlights LL Cool J, his wife, Simone Smith , and their four children (son Najee; daughters Talia, Samaria, and Nina) photographed with a group of models gathered around a DJ turntable -- a nod to Smith's 25-year influential music career. The models and Smith family wear embroidered denim, supple cotton hooded sweatshirts and fleur-de-lis bejeweled t-shirts from the Fall 2008 collection. A full body portrait of Todd Smith in an iconic pose will also appear in the LL Cool J section of Sears stores.
"The opportunity for synergy between Sears and LL Cool J has been phenomenal," said Craig Israel , SVP Sears Holdings Corporation, President Apparel. "It stems inlarge part from the authenticity of the campaign. Sears was afixture in his life from the time he was a child. He is committed to bringing that same relevance to families today. The fact that LL Cool J appeared on Mark Seliger's first Rolling Stone cover -- and that Mark is the master mindbehind this season's visuals -- adds another dimension of genuineness. These are real beginnings in an icon's career that hasspanned more than two decades: they underscore the as pirational nature of the brand while maintaining LL Cool J's approachability to our customers."
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The You Docs: This color can make you healthier

When it comes to fruits and legumes, it's pretty much impossible to reach for anything bad. But often you can get extra goodies by reaching for red. Not only do naturally red foods make your meals look like they just arrived from a photo shoot, but they pile on the health benefits, too. Try these three heavy hitters:
· Red bell peppers: They have almost twice as much vitamin C as their green siblings. And getting ample C is credited with a 30 percent reduction in the risk of stroke, one of the top causes of death and disability in North Americans. Vitamin C helps your arteries stay young and keeps your immune system strong.
· Red kidney beans: These are right up there with blueberries when it comes to total phytonutrient value. And phytonutrients -- protective substances found in plant foods -- help your body produce more of its own antioxidants. These defenders swiftly mop up free radicals, the cellular byproducts that can damage DNA and lead to cancer, heart disease and early aging. So brighten up salads now and stews later by tossing in some crimson beauties.
· Red grapefruit: The red varieties contain more lycopene -- a phytonutrient that may add extra anti-cancer and heart-health benefits -- than white grapefruit does. Lycopene is absorbed better, though, when fat is around, so try tossing red grapefruit segments into a saute or salad drizzled with canola or olive oil. Or if you love spooning out the sections one-by-one on Sunday morning, eat them with a side of whole-grain toast spread with peanut butter. You're good to go.

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Vegetable-stuffed Hungarian peppers

1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly brush a shallow 12-by-7-inch baking dish with olive oil.2. Halve each pepper lengthwise, taking care to leave the base and stem intact (the peppers should look like little boats) for each of the larger halves. Chop the remaining smaller halves into a small dice and set aside.3. Remove the seeds, then cook the peppers in salted, boiling water just until tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Strain and set aside.4. In a large, heavy skillet heat 1 tablespoon oil. Add the onion and sauté until just tender, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the mushrooms and sauté until they are tender and have released their juices, 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.5. Add the diced pepper and squashand sauté until just tender, 3 to 5 minutes more, adding oil as needed to prevent sticking. Add the corn kernels and 1 teaspoon each of minced basil and chopped dill. Add one-half teaspoon salt and one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Remove from the heat and set aside.6. Make the tomato sauce, by coarsely chopping the tomatoes and pulsing them in a food processor to a coarse purée. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a small sauté pan over medium heat and add 2 cloves minced garlic, sautéing just until aromatic. Add the tomato purée and half of the chicken broth.7. Add one-fourth teaspoon saltand bring just to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Halfway through, stir in the remaining chicken broth. Remove from heat and stir in the roughly chopped basil.8. To assemble, spoon the sauce into the prepared baking dish, covering the bottom completely and evenly. Divide the sautéed vegetables evenly among the pepper halves, filling the peppers completely.
9. In a small bowl, mix the bread crumbs with the remaining garlic, minced basil and chopped dill. Season with a pinch of salt, and stir in 1 tablespoon of the melted butter. Spoon the bread crumbs evenly over the stuffed peppers and drizzle the remaining butter over each.10. Carefully place the peppersin the pan over the tomato sauce. Place the pan in the oven, and bake until the bread crumbs are browned on top and the sauce is bubbly, 25 to 30 minutes. Serve immediately.
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Exports of unprocessed cereals impact on animal feed supply

Uganda’s continued export of unprocessed cereals is partly to blame for the current shortage of animal feeds in the country. Most cereals, especially maize, are exported as unprocessed consequently there are no residual byproducts that can be used to manufacture animal feeds.Some animal farmers now want a law to be passed to enforce value addition on all cereals so that byproducts can be used to manufacture animal feeds.“After several meetings and consultations the Animal feed bill was drafted and tabled to the 7th Parliament, unfortunately nothing happened. We humbly beg you to take up this matter expeditiously,” the Chairman Poultry Association of Uganda (PAU) Mr Aga Sekalala.He was speaking to Agriculture minister Eng. Hirary Onek who was visiting Ugachick Poultry Breeders in Majigye Wakiso District over the weekend.If the bill is enacted, one of the pertinent issues it will address is to enforce exportation of value added maize so that the residue are used in the manufacturing of animal and birds feeds. Currently Uganda and the feeds industry is experiencing an acute shortage of raw materials and the escalating commodity prices have forced many poultry farmers to sell their birds before maturity and others could be pushed out of business.All the maize exported within the region is in its raw form something which has constrained the feeds industry from accessing raw materials. Other possible sources of raw materials include fish products, cotton and sunflower seed cake, bones, cassava and sweet potatoes. Kenya and Tanzania have a policy that instructs their farmers to export only value added maize thus leaving the residue for their domestic feeds industries.“We have written to the Director General of NARO requesting his help to begin trials for yellow maize and cassava trials at both Magigye Farm and Namulonge Research Station in order to find long-term solutions on raw materials for animal and poultry feeds,” Ms Immaculate Mgulumi from PAU said.The farmers have also asked the government to facilitate training activities for farmers in handling their business. “We are aware that government of Netherlands offers Uganda government Scholarships each year; The ministry must intervene to avail those scholarships to poultry farmers,” Mr Sekalala said.
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Arsenic Exposure and Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in US Adults

Context High chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic in drinking water has been related to diabetes development, but the effect of exposure to low to moderate levels of inorganic arsenic on diabetes risk is unknown. In contrast, arsenobetaine, an organic arsenic compound derived from seafood intake, is considered nontoxic. Objective To investigate the association of arsenic exposure, as measured in urine, with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in a representative sample of US adults. Design, Setting, and Participants Cross-sectional study in 788 adults aged 20 years or older who participated in the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and had urine arsenic determinations. Main Outcome Measure Prevalence of type 2 diabetes across intake of arsenic. Results The median urine levels of total arsenic, dimethylarsinate, and arsenobetaine were 7.1, 3.0, and 0.9 µg/L, respectively. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 7.7%. After adjustment for diabetes risk factors and markers of seafood intake, participants with type 2 diabetes had a 26% higher level of total arsenic (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.0%-56.0%) and a nonsignificant 10% higher level of dimethylarsinate (95% CI, –8.0% to 33.0%) than participants without type 2 diabetes, and levels of arsenobetaine were similar to those of participants without type 2 diabetes. After similar adjustment, the odds ratios for type 2 diabetes comparing participants at the 80th vs the 20th percentiles were 3.58 for the level of total arsenic (95% CI, 1.18-10.83), 1.57 for dimethylarsinate (95% CI, 0.89-2.76), and 0.69 for arsenobetaine (95% CI, 0.33-1.48). Conclusions After adjustment for biomarkers of seafood intake, total urine arsenic was associated with increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes. This finding supports the hypothesis that low levels of exposure to inorganic arsenic in drinking water, a widespread exposure worldwide, may play a role in diabetes prevalence. Prospective studies in populations exposed to a range of inorganic arsenic levels are needed to establish whether this association is causal.
Author Affiliations: Department of Environmental Health Sciences (Drs Navas-Acien and Silbergeld), and Department of Epidemiology, and Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research (Drs Navas-Acien and Guallar), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland; National Center for Epidemiology, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, and CIBER en Epidemiología y Salud Pública, Madrid, Spain (Dr Pastor-Barriuso); Department of Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Population Genetics, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain, and Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore (Dr Guallar).
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Researchers Uncover Attack Mechanism Of Illness-inducing Bacterium

ocean-dwelling bacterium found in oysters and other shellfish kills its host’s cells by causing them to burst, providing the invader with a nutrient-rich meal, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found.The bacterium, a relative of the one that causes cholera, co-opts and makes fatal a normal cell process that starving or stressed organisms use to disassemble and recycle expendable proteins into more vital metabolites.Called Vibrio parahaemolyticus, or V para for short, the bacterium is already a major cause of human illness and economic loss in Asia. It is dangerous primarily to people with liver disease or suppressed immune systems, although it can be killed by fully cooking shellfish, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.It caused major disease outbreaks in the northwest and northeast U.S. in the late 1990s and killed two people after Hurricane Katrina when tainted seawater entered open wounds, according to the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.“This pathogen has spread to all the oceans of the world, and is resistant to many antibiotics,” said Dr. Kim Orth, associate professor of molecular biology and senior author of a study appearing online this week and in an upcoming issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Dr. Orth said she became interested in V para after its DNA was sequenced by Japanese researchers. She saw similarities between some of V para’s genes and those encoded by an unrelated bacterium that causes plague, which she also studies.V para was already known to kill host cells but the molecular mechanisms were unclear, Dr. Orth said. However, the new study shows that V para physically contacts host cells and then injects molecules to trigger the protein breakdown process.Normally, this protein breakdown mechanism, called autophagy (pronounced “aw-TAH-fah-gee”) or “self-eating,” is tightly controlled by the cells.In the study, the researchers infected cultured human cells with V para and found that the cells very quickly showed signs of autophagy, such as forming distinctive small compartments that collect and transport proteins for disassembly.The cells also became rounded, probably from a collapse of their internal framework, and their outer membranes began leaking, the researchers found. The cells died within three hours.The researchers hypothesized that the invading V para scavenged nutrients from the dying cells to support their own proliferation.“No one has seen such a rapid triggering of autophagy before,” said Dr. Orth.“Treating the human cells with an autophagy inhibitor halted the protein breakdown process but did not save the cells, because V para uses other pathways by which to kill cells,” she said. “However, because it can kill by several routes, it’s important to understand all of them.”

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Self-cleaning clothes let you fear no stains

Researchers at Australia’s Monash University have come up with a nanoparticle coating that could make self-cleaning clothes a reality. The particles, made of anatase titanium dioxide, will coat fibers in wool and silk. Once the fabric is coated, you need to expose it to sunlight for a few hours for the particles start munching on errant spills as well as any harmful and smell-causing microorganisms and other dirt. The coating — still “quite a while” from being commercially available, the researchers say — is nontoxic and can be permanently bonded to the fiber, resisting laundering while keeping the cloth’s prized texture the same.
Not only will this new nanotechnology save you cash on unwearable clothes and laundry bills, it'll make you greener just by saving all those dry-cleaning chemicals that go who knows where. Other benefits include never losing a wool sock in the dryer again.

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September Means More Summer for Oregon Coast

It's likely THE biggest news story about the Oregon coast, yet it’s one of the area's biggest secrets: Fall is just the beginning of really warm weather, and the start of a bevy of features that make this the most inviting time of the year on Oregon's beaches.
Fall is known as the "Second Summer," meaning the coast is at its warmest in September and early October. This season also boasts glittering bits of good news in the realms of whales, lodging prices, lesser crowds, traffic and much more.
By the time September comes around, the ocean is at its warmest because it’s been heated up all season. Meanwhile, things get cooler in the valley, which evens out the temperature differences between the two regions. This allows warmer air flows from the east and from California to help warm things up even more, as well as causing the winds to die down in general and decrease fog.
During the summer, those temperature differences drive the sea breezes and fog. But by early fall, those differences are not as significant, allowing these factors to come together and making for sunnier, hotter days than during June, July and August.
Weather experts say this usually lasts well into October, with the middle of the month generally being a turning point towards more blustery weather. However, in 2004, those summer-like conditions lasted well into the last few days of the month. Perhaps it’s global warming, perhaps it’s not: but this phenomenon seems to be lasting a bit longer in many of the past few years.
On top of it all, this season boasts lesser crowds, lower lodging prices and fewer cars on the highway – making this the best time of the year to venture to the Pacific Ocean.

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Man of steel Carl Edwards super on verge of Chase

While Kyle Busch might, in fact, be Batman -- he has a darker, more moody side -- Edwards is more like the Man of Steel.Faster than a speeding bullet, can leap tall buildings in a single bound ... is it a bird, is it a plane? -- no it's Cousin Carl.Edwards is strong, square-jawed, broad-shouldered and can do a backflip off a race car, which we haven't seen Kyle attempt, although he bows with much style.While Busch, who has won eight Sprint Cup races this year, can drive the wheels off just about anything, Edwards, who has five Cup victories with Sunday's 3M Performance 400 win at Michigan International Speedway, believes he's the best racer in the universe, which, if Kyle thinks he is, he hasn't publicly announced it.Edwards, without blinking an eye, said as much at MIS following his resounding win."My psyche and mentality is pretty much fixed on I'm the greatest race driver that ever lived," Edwards said. "You know what I'm saying? What helps me -- I mean, if you don't think that -- that's what David Pearson told me, if you don't believe that, you don't belong in the race car."While we are still waiting to catch him changing into a red-and-blue costume in a phone booth, Edwards is tough as nails and probably could bend an iron bar in his hands.Asked following his win at Michigan for Roush Fenway Racing if he were born with the confidence to achieve great things, Edwards said: "Deep down, you really have to believe in yourself, and I think everyone that performs at a high level in any sport does."Edwards, who doesn't back down from a fight, said he watched the Olympics on Saturday night and was amazed by the performances, and particularly what made champions just that."It struck me, you know, you see individuals like that achieve so well and they achieve just great things, and then there's the other folks who don't," Edwards said."Just having the guts to go out there and jump in the water and swim or go run 100 meters in front of the whole world and compete, you have the chance to lose, but you just have to do the best you can. That's all you can do."Edwards is confident, self-assured and extremely capable.He might have a weakness, like Superman did, but we haven't discovered it.Edwards will mix it up on short tracks, and is swift and brave on superspeedways.He finished third in Cup points in 2005 and is currently second to Busch in this year's standings and peaking for the Chase for the Championship."Our pit crew has stepped up the game," said Edwards of Sunday's crisp, clean pit stops that helped him win. "That was our big weakness for a long time, and the guys have repeatedly, week after week, worked harder and become better. I feel like we are competing to win. I feel good.
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Beer, cigs up - but very quietly

THE half-yearly "sin taxes" on beer and cigarettes will jump by twice as much as usual because of the high inflation rate - a move that will itself further increase cost of living pressures.
The tax on a packet of 50 cigarettes will leap by 35 cents to $12.73. Those buying a pack of 20 smokes will pay an extra 14 cents in tax.
Spirit drinkers will hand the Rudd Government almost $18 each time they buy a 700ml bottle of whisky or gin, with the tax up by 49 cents, and by 46 cent on a bottle of brandy.
The changes, which will hit consumers on Friday, will also mean the tax on a slab of full-strength 375ml cans of beer will jump by 48 cents. There is no extra tax being collected on a glass of light or full-strength beer served across the bar, but the excise on a mid-strength beer rises by one cent.
Ready-to-drink spirits face a further price rise on top of that imposed by the Government in the recent budget, with the tax on a six-pack of premixed alcopops rising by up to 24 cents.
The excise rise is linked to the consumer price index and occurs on August 1 and February 1 every year. Known as automatic indexation, it was introduced 25 years ago by the Hawke government to end the horror budget-night headlines declaring "beer, cigs up" that took attention away from spending announcements. The Government expects to collect $9 billion this year in alcohol and tobacco excise.
While ministers are quick to announce similar "adjustments" to pensions and other benefits, no minister puts out a press release announcing these tax rises. The Government hopes it will pass unnoticed.
Smokers and drinkers could face a price rise greater than the excise adjustment because retailers and manufacturers may take the opportunity to pass on other price rises relating to production costs and profit margins.
Last week the Bureau of Statistics said the cost of living was running at its fastest pace in 13 years with prices across the board rising by by 4.5 per cent last financial year and by 1.5 per cent in the June quarter alone.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier


Black bean

Standing in a circle holding hands, many primary school children learn to sing, "Oats, peas, beans and barley grow," that simple tribute to several of the most basic crops of the field. Recent scientific studies have uncovered the nutritional heights attained by these humble staples. The black bean, in particular, is a treasure worth rediscovering.What does it do?Beans are rich in antioxidants, those special substances that reduce the oxidative stresses that underlie premature aging, the development of certain cancers and both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.Researchers found that http://www.agriculture-supplier.com/ beans with darker skins possess greater amounts of health-providing ingredients than their light-skinned counterparts.Black beans top the list in terms of the antioxidants called anthocyanins. Rich levels of folate and magnesium in this legume are beneficial to your heart.About the herbAlso called turtle beans because of their shiny black surfaces, black beans play an important role in vegetarian cuisine since the density provides a meaty texture. The high amount of dietary fiber found in black beans helps to keep cholesterol levels low.Recommended dosageSince legumes and grains team up to provide a complete spectrum of essential amino acids, dishes concocted that feature black beans and quinoa or brown rice a re tops!The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer. NOTE: Visit www.herbalastrology.com to read Ted PanDeva Zagar's other articles and columns that discuss the benefits of herbs and natural foods.

From http://www.agriculture-supplier.com/ agriculture-supplier

Grower trials unusual frost protector

Spraying olive trees with a natural product from sugar beet has successfully stopped some varieties of olive trees in the South Island being knocked by frosts.
Alex Houliston, head of science at Christchurch Girls' High School, took a year off teaching high school to study the frost problem in his own orchard.
Some olive orchards have suffered severe damage when trees four or five years old have been hit by a series of 13degC frosts in recent years.
Mr Houliston sprayed some of his trees with glycine betaine, which is extracted from sugar beet as a by-product of sugar production.
He had heard it could protect plants from metabolic inactivation during environmental stresses -- water deficit, high soil salinity and extreme temperatures such as frost, by changing the speed at which water passed throught the plant's cells.
"We were delighted to find that this product significantly reduced frost damage to my trees," said Mr Houliston who was awarded a technology teaching fellowship at Lincoln University and worked with researchers, Leo Vanhanen and Associate Professor Geoffrey Savage.
It was the first time glycine betaine had been scientifically trialled on New Zealand olives, and was sprayed on trees six times while the olives were ripening.
Both the cultivars used (barnea and manzillo) were protected by the spray, barnea most successfully.
From http://www.agriculture-supplier.com/ agriculture-supplier

Lawmakers Reject Measure to Ban Controversial Chemical

The California Assembly has rejected a measure that would have banned the controversial chemical bisphenol A from baby bottles. Supporters say lawmakers missed a golden opportunity to protect young children. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.
The chemical, known as BPA, is found in baby bottles, can liners, and food containers. It can leech into liquids and foods.
The measure would have banned it in products designed for children under the age of three.
The chemical industry says BPA has a long history of safe use.
Ansje Miller is with the non-profit Center for Environmental Health.
Ansje Miller: Well, there's 130 studies out there that show otherwise, that there's a staggering number of health effects affiliated with BPA exposures.
A government report says there is some concern for neural and behavioral effects of BPA in fetuses and infants.
A number of other states are considering banning the chemical.

From http://www.chemical-suppliers-china.com/ chemical-suppliers

Toshiba Portege G910 mobile phone review

13 August 2008 - We have seen several Toshiba mobile phones with mixed results recently. How does the Portégé G910, a full QWERTY offering, fare? We go mobile to find out. From the outside that design looks somewhat unusual, a grey face with a black spine, looking like a cigarette case from an early Bond movie. On the front you’ll find a small two-line display that will give you details of the phone’s status – battery life, etc, as well as details of incoming calls. It also pairs up with the four-way control beneath which give basic access to features, for example, contacts. You’ll also find the standard call accept and reject buttons here. Flip the device over and you’ll find most of the rear dominated by the battery cover, which is rather flimsy and won’t stand repeated removal too much. There is also the 2-megapixel camera, which comes with an illuminator-type flash. Open the device up and you are faced with a decent sized QWERTY keyboard, which is actually very nice to use, except for one irritating feature that we found in the G710: the inability to shift characters by pressing and holding a key. This means that if you want the "-" on the "F" key, you have to press the green spot to enter the alternative characters. Press and hold would only produce "ffffffff". A minor point, but one that can really slow down text input. The top half of the device is dominated by the 3-inch, 800 x 480, LCD display, which is nice and crisp. The hinge design means you can sit this like a tiny laptop and use the keyboard to bash out some emails, or browse the Internet whilst on the move. The downside of that hinge design is that it can be difficult to get to the screen (although you can do most things from the keyboard). Also, the hinge doesn’t fold flat, or allow it to be used like a tablet, which is a little restrictive. There is a stylus included which is as good as useless – it is so thin it almost bends at every screen press and is difficult to hold – replacement should not be too much of an issue, but whether it will fit in the hole is a different matter. Down the side of the screen you’ll find various shortcut options, contacts, calendar, media player and so on. At first attempt we thought they weren’t working, as they need a firm press to launch the service you want. All these buttons are customisable, so you can swap-out Internet Exploder for Opera and so on as you wish, which makes them much more practical for everyday use. Of course, the operating system here is Windows Mobile 6, so this is really pitched at business road warriors who can sync with the office and then get going. There is nothing on top of Windows Mobile, no shell to improve the user experience, like you’ll find in HTC devices. For those looking to get some work done it also features the full Office Mobile programmes, so you can create documents on the move. The tech specs also reflect the business focus: you’ll find heaps of connectivity, including Wi-Fi, and not just 3G, but the HSDPA variety, making this a good device for data on the move. You’ll also find Bluetooth as you’d expect.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier

Trio dominates demolition derby

DOWAGIAC - David Helmke, his cousin Jay White III and Jay's wife Brooke captured three of the top four places in the Unique Motor Sports Demolition Derby Saturday night at the Berrien County Youth Fair in Berrien Springs, which is why there were three demolished cars - two Lincoln Town Cars and Jay's "Tony Stewart orange" Ford Mercury Grand Marquis, all with Chevy engines - beside Clinton Street Monday.
Helmke, a former football player who won a total of $650, said, "I'm still smashing stuff up. Before I was smashing heads, now I'm smashing cars." "There were probably 50 cars that showed up," Jay said. "It's one of the bigger derbies in Michigan" with five qualifying heats leading to the feature. The Whites finished third and fourth to an Indiana man. Brooke "put a couple of good hits on me. I was trying to leave her alone," Jay said."This was the first time we ran against each other" since the 12-year, third-generation driver introduced her to demolition derbies four years ago. "Her driver's side back tire was literally in the middle of another guy's car, right over the top. The audience went nuts" for the silver car with the air cleaner painted pink. "She's got just as many wins as I do" in eight fewer years. It takes about 200 hours to build a "competitive car," White said.Helmke's Town Car was painted with a military motif "to support the troops," which didn't keep him from getting booed like a villain when he went after "the Perfect 10" in her pink Cadillac on the 31st anniversary of Elvis Presley's death.
Their sponsors include FCI Construction, Benny's Barber Shop, Dave Jerz and Keith Fenech of First Choice Auto.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier


Green tea can make handy cold compress

Hamburg - Green tea is not just for drinking: The refreshing beverage can also be used as a cold compress.
On its tea-up-your-day. de website, the German Tea Association recommends taking brewed tea, cooling it, and then freezing it in ice cube trays. When your concentration flags or your head gets heavy, wrap one of the ice cubes in a paper towel, spend five minutes pressing it alternately on your temples, neck and forehead for 15 seconds at a time.
The compresses are also good for puffy eyes. Give your skin a treat by pressing an unwrapped cube against your eyelids or cheeks for up to 10 seconds.
From http://www.agriculture-supplier.com/ agriculture-supplier

Using organic fertilizers the right way

Organic fertilizers are all the rage these days, and with good reason. They can provide plants with a long, slow feed, and their manufacture reuses waste products while putting less demand on natural resources.ardeners, though, make the mistake of approaching the use of organic fertilizers in the same way as they might use a chemical fertilizer.For instance, the other day a gardening expert on the radio was touting the benefits of guano, or bat droppings. He was right about guano being rich in nutrients. It has almost 20 percent nitrogen in a form that can be taken up quickly by plants. And guano surely is natural: It's merely scooped out of caves where bats hang out, then bagged up for sale.The problem is that guano is not much different in its effects on plants and soil from any quick-acting, chemical fertilizer. The same could be said for blood meal, poultry manure and other concentrated, quick-acting — albeit organic — fertilizers.The thing missing from all chemical fertilizers and from concentrated organic fertilizers is bulky organic matter. Yes, plants benefit from bulk in their diet, just as we do.Like the bulk in our diet, bulk's benefits to plants are indirect. These benefits include getting soils to hold more air and water, making nutrients already in the soil more available to plants and helping plants fight Bulky organic material that is good for plants is familiar stuff. Raw organic materials include straw, autumn leaves, sawdust, hay and manures. When these raw, organic materials decompose, they become such things as compost, leaf mold, old manure and humus — all of them somewhat richer in plant nutrients than the original organic materials that went into them.Note that most of the bulk associated with manures comes from the sawdust, straw, or whatever other material was used for bedding for the animal. What comes out a chicken, for example, has little organic material, and much of its benefit to plants comes from the wood shavings or straw that is scooped up along with the poop from the floor of the chicken house.This is not to say that plant growth cannot suffer from the opposite extreme, that of applying too much raw bulk and not enough actual nutrients. Raw organic materials low in nutrients, such as sawdust and straw, can cause temporary nutrient deficiencies if mixed into the soil.More concentrated fertilizers do have their uses — with houseplants, for example, which have no room in or on their pots for bulky organic materials. And quick-acting, concentrated fertilizers are needed for emergency feeding of neglected plants.The lesson here is: Generally, don't seek out the most concentrated — the "richest" — organic fertilizer. If you do use concentrated fertilizers, also regularly enrich your soil with plenty of organic materials, either digging them into or just laying them on top of the ground.An alternative to hauling all that bulky material into your garden is to grow it in place. Set aside a different part of your garden each season, or part of a season, in which to grow so-called "cover crops." These are plants such as oats, rye or buckwheat that you grow specifically to enrich the soil with organic matter.A third alternative is to avoid any concentrated fertilizer and annually give your soil all the food and bulk needed at the same time by spreading on top of the ground an inch depth of compost or rotted manure.

From http://www.chemical-suppliers-china.com/ chemical-suppliers

LaBeouf not to blame for crash

Shia LaBeouf was not to blame for the car crash he was involved in on Sunday.
The Transformers star - who was arrested following the accident - has now been told he will not be charged with the misdemeanour offence of driving under the influence (DUI).
Los Angeles Sheriff's spokesperson Steve Whitmore has confirmed the other driver was at fault for the crash.
He explained: "The other car ran a red light and, if not already, they will be cited.
"They will now be listed as Party One on the report, indicating they were at fault."
Meanwhile, campaign group Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have written an open letter to the actor, pleading with him to install ignition interlock devices to prevent him making the same mistake again.
The letter reads: "To protect the safety of his family and the citizens of his community, Mothers Against Drunk Driving calls on Shia LaBeouf to voluntarily install ignition interlock devices on all vehicles registered in his name, in addition to completing the official punishment/sanctions that may be levied in the event of his conviction for DUI.
"An ignition interlock is a breath test device linked to a vehicle's ignition system and is normally mandated to convicted drunk drivers as a condition of probation. We hope Mr. LaBeouf will voluntarily use the opportunity of his DUI arrest to educate his fans - and the country - about this life-saving device by installing the device on his vehicles."
From http://www.chemical-suppliers-china.com/ chemical-suppliers

CNG cylinders pulled after blast

All 375 imported cylinders of compressed natural gas (CNG) from the shipment that contained a tank that exploded last week have been removed from the market pending a safety review. Siam Ratchathani Co, the company that imported the cylinders in April, had agreed to the withdrawal, said Norkhun Sitthipong, the deputy permanent secretary of the Energy Ministry. The company would offer free replacement CNG kits to any customers who had purchased the units, he added. The explosion took place on Friday at a PTT service station in Samut Prakan, where a privately owned bus was being refuelled. A pump attendant was injured and seven vehicles damaged. Most of the 145-litre-cylinders with serial numbers from 54187 to 545562 had been installed in trucks and buses and a total of 90 cylinders were in the process of being installed in garages. The importer told the ministry that the 375 cylinders had been manufactured by Fine Tech Co of South Korea with steel from China. Fine Tech executives flew to Thailand shortly after Friday's incident and offered to recall the products and pay compensation to clients itself. Mr Norkhun said the cylinders had received ISO 11439 international certification and had also been installed by certified garages and technicians. ''The material of these tanks might be the main root cause,'' a spokesman for the importer said. ''Normally a CNG cylinder needs a special grade of steel, which should have light weight but be very strong to withstand high pressure of at least 200 bars.'' Representatives of Siam Ratchathani, Fine Tech, PTT and Energy Ministry officials are all co-operating in an investigation to determine the cause and prevent a repeat incident.Mr Norkhun said that while the cylinder was certified, it might have been positioned improperly in the bus during installation. Kasetsart University experts have also agreed to conduct a safety test of the burst cylinder with the results expected within two weeks. PTT has been asked not to refill any vehicles containing cylinders from the affected shipment, said Sirisak Wittaya-udon, the deputy director-general of the Department of Energy Business. More than 100,000 CNG cylinders have been installed in local vehicles and Friday's accident was only the second of its kind, he added.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier

Water safety campaign offers virtual jet ski test drive

It may not be in the water, but kids are lining up for this ride.
To help make waters safer, Texas Parks and Wildlife hit the expos and boat shows with a virtual reality game to teach kids how to play it safe on the water.
"We have a variety of people who enjoy using it all the way from the littlest kids who get on there with their families helping them out to the teenager to the young adults," Boating Education Coordinator Brandi Bradford said. "That's our big crowd."
The personal watercraft simulator or jet ski is one of the latest tools used in TPWD's Boating Education Program.
"We teach a lot of different concepts while they're actually on the Jet Ski playing the game," Bradford said. "We talk about wearing your life jacket at all times on a personal watercraft. We talk about taking boater education. We talk about using your safety ignition switch or kill switch to kill the engine. That's also a requirement in Texas. And we really talk about the 50-foot rule and how to follow the rules of the road while you're out there playing safely with other boats."
The department also has help from country music star Kevin Fowler.
"Well Bubba, thanks for coming by and remember 'Nobody's Waterproof,'" Fowler said to a fan while signing autographs. "Be careful, all the freaks are out there on the water."
Fowler is the "Wild Man" and spokesperson for the "Nobody's Waterproof, Play It Safe" campaign.
"Kevin does fit in great with the crowd," Bradford said. "That campaign is aimed at 18 to 34-year-olds; the kind of party crowd."
That is the same crowd that the personal watercraft simulator is directed towards.
The personal watercraft simulator is created from a real jet ski confiscated by game wardens from a previous accident."We gutted the engine out of it, put a game controller inside and now it's just a fun game," Bradford said. "We carry it around on a little trailer and can take it to boat shows, to outreach events, to expos; to any number of events to promote boating safety."
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier


Belchertown gardener David Bressette adds flowers to vegetable duty

BELCHERTOWN - For years, David Bressette would take care of the vegetable garden and his wife, Susan, would work on the flower gardens at their home.
But when a back injury left her unable to do the work required this year, Susan was relieved to see David step in and keep things going with the flowers.
Their multiple gardens at their Old Enfield Road property have a combination of perennials and annuals with a concentration of perennials. They have multiple varieties of hosta, iris, lilies and other plants throughout the front, back and side yards.
Susan Bressette became involved with flower gardens as a little girl, paying attention to her grandfather and her father as they worked their gardens. Her father let her take care of one small garden outside the window of her mother and father's room.
Susan and David Bresette moved to Old Enfield Road 23 years ago.
At first their front yard was done more traditionally, but over time the varieties of flowers have spread. When she stayed home with her children, Susan Bressette would put in about 25 hours each week working in the garden.
These days she works at the Belchertown Senior Center. While her job deals with programs, not the grounds at the Senior Center, Susan Bressette was responsible for getting flower gardens planted there.
It is an area that has been important to her since her early days with her father and grandfather.
"It is a form of art with design and color," Susan Bressette said.
Despite her lifelong involvement with flowers, she was ready to have her husband turn three-quarters of the plants at their home under because she figured she would not be able to stand looking at them this year in the shape she expected them to be in without her taking care of them.
But David Bressette took over.
Part of the motivation was that their youngest daughter, Jill, was getting married in June, and David Bressette wanted the yard to look good.
From http://www.agriculture-supplier.com/ agriculture-supplier

Investigators arrive to trace the cause of the of Sierra Rutile dredge disaster

International investigators on Monday arrived at the mines to investigate the cause of the accident involving the company's dredge in Mobimbi, Mokanji South of Sierra Leone .
This was disclosed by the Public Relations Officer, Alusine Jalloh in an interview on a cell phone line with COCORIOKO Newspaper Limited , though he did not reveal where these international investigators are from. He informed the paper that government investigators, led by the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Abdul Ignosi Koroma, and senior officers from the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations have also visited the mines to also trace the actual cause of the damage of the plant.

Mr. Jalloh said the investigation are just reaching at the mines and may not disclosed their report so soon as they have so many areas of concern to look into adding that even the builders of the dredge are also at the mining site as part of the examining team into the cause of the incident.

The investigation, he maintained, was going on transparently together with Sierra Rutile insurers who also form part of the investigating team, but he however refrained from naming the insurance company that is handling the whole damage caused to the business.

He indicated that there are also some packages on the way from the company for relative victims of the incident and that they are now putting measures in place for funeral arrangements.

According to COCORIOKO sources in Mokanji, there were rumours that salaries of workers were allegedly being cut by the management for what they said was due to the accident. If a particular staff has been receiving Le. 500,000 for instance, he will now receive Le. 250,000. But Mr. Jalloh described these rumours as false.

PRO Jalloh dismissed the allegation , saying "Sierra Rutile will not do that and no responsible company would do such a wicked thing to workers when we expect them to work. Apart from that, I know my company very well we would not treat our workers so".

When the Executive Director was contacted on his Zain cell phone for his comment on the allegation, a voice arrogantly snapped : "This is not John Sisay's phone. " .When asked why he was being so harsh, the person replied : " I can talk to you any way I want . You called me, so how do you want me to talk to you ? ".

From http://www.chemical-suppliers-china.com/ chemical-suppliers

Inergy buys NY salt company for natural gas storage

In a release Monday, Kansas City-based propane retailer Inergy LP (Nasdaq: NRGY) said Midstream has signed a definitive agreement to buy 100 percent of the membership interests in US Salt. The transaction is expected to close by the end of August.
US Salt is based in Schuyler County, N.Y., between Inergy’s Stagecoach and Steuben County natural gas storage facilities. US Salt is one of five leading solution-mined salt manufacturers in the United States, Inergy said in the release. It produces and sells more than 300,000 tons of salt a year.
Solution mining is a process in which water is pumped into a mine to better extract the minerals sought, according to the Salt Institute’s Web site.
The solution mining process US Salt uses creates salt caverns that can be developed into usable natural gas storage capacity, Inergy said. Inergy estimated that the acquisition will give it access to at least 10 billion cubic feet of additional salt cavern storage capacity, which it can connect to its existing energy storage systems.
Inergy said that it expects to immediately start developing about 5 billion cubic feet of available salt cavern capacity in the US Salt property and that it expects the capacity to be operational in the fall of 2010.
Inergy said it expects to spend about $191 million to buy US Salt and develop the initial 5 billion cubic feet of storage. Inergy expects to generate earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization from the combined salt production and gas storage operations of about $28.5 million on a run rate basis by the end of fiscal 2010.
Inergy said it will finance the acquisition of US Salt with a combination of borrowings from its revolving credit facility and Inergy LP common shares issued directly to the seller.
Inergy spokesman Mike Campbell said that all of US Salt’s roughly 130 employees will transfer to Inergy and that US Salt’s management team will relocate to Inergy’s Kansas City office.
From http://www.chemical-suppliers-china.com/ chemical-suppliers

Purse snatcher pursued

Downtown cops are hunting for a thug who threatened a woman with a baseball bat and made off with her purse.
At about 6:45 p.m. on July 30, the woman was talking on a phone when she walked past a man sitting on a stair rail near 100 Avenue and 104 Street.
After she passed him, he leapt to his feet, ran to her and brandished the bat. He ordered her to drop her phone and hand over her purse. He got away with about $60.
He is described as a native man in his 20s, about five-foot-eight and 140 pounds, with short hair. He wore a light-coloured baseball cap , light grey T-shirt, runners and dirty jeans. If you have any information on this crime, call Crimestoppers.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier

Purse snatcher pursued

Downtown cops are hunting for a thug who threatened a woman with a baseball bat and made off with her purse.
At about 6:45 p.m. on July 30, the woman was talking on a phone when she walked past a man sitting on a stair rail near 100 Avenue and 104 Street.
After she passed him, he leapt to his feet, ran to her and brandished the bat. He ordered her to drop her phone and hand over her purse. He got away with about $60.
He is described as a native man in his 20s, about five-foot-eight and 140 pounds, with short hair. He wore a light-coloured baseball cap , light grey T-shirt, runners and dirty jeans. If you have any information on this crime, call Crimestoppers.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier

Growers Direct Coffee Appoints Mick Rynning as a Director

announced today that the board of directors have appointed Mr. Mick Rynning as a new director of Growers Direct Coffee Company, Inc. ("GWDC") Mr. JD Douthitt becomes the new Chairman of the Board and the other director Mr. Nepal Muhuri is the interim Chief Financial Officer. Chairman JD Douthitt commented that "Mr. Rynning is a hands-on guy who has the experience and exceptional credentials in the food and beverage industry, particularly in the coffee and franchise sector, that I am sure will greatly benefit the future growth of GWDC. I welcome Mr. Rynning as a director and will work very closely with him as we embrace the challenges of turning around GWDC."
Mick Rynning said "I have been aware of Growers Direct Coffee Company for some time and have admired their business model and top-shelf product offerings. I very much look forward to working with the Board of Directors to assess the overall state, structure and organization of GWDC, and to formulate a new strategic roadmap for our success. While shareholder value is fundamentally important, my focus will be on the drivers, key performance indicators, and relationships that will lead to increased value for our shareholders, business partners, and customers, alike. We will keep our shareholders informed as we move forward."
Mr. Rynning holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma, 1983, as well as Certificate, Management 2000 Franchise Business School, Houston, Texas, 2001. His past and current affiliations include: Executive Board Member, Fast Casual Magazine Executive Alliance, Speaker/Educational Panel Member, National Restaurant Association, International Franchise Association, National Coffee Association USA, Specialty Coffee Association of America.
Mr. Rynning is a result-oriented business executive with wealth of experience in senior management positions and proven achievements in companies ranging from new regional and national start-ups to multi billion dollar International franchise operations. Drawing on his diverse experience of management and operations, Mr. Rynning is uniquely poised to take GWDC to an improved future. Mr. Rynning was recently the President of Ellianos Coffee Company based in Lake City, Florida. Previously, Mr. Rynning served as a Director of International Business Development for Church's Chicken based in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Rynning's other business and franchise experience includes working as both the National Franchise Manager and Georgia District Operations Manager for OneSource Franchise Systems of Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Rynning has also worked as the Manager of International Franchise Administration for Atlanta-based AFC Enterprises, Inc., and working with the CEOs of AFC's four subsidiary brands (Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits, Church's Chicken, Cinnabon, and Seattle's Best Coffee). For more information about our coffee products, visit our website at www.growersdirectcoffee.com Our wholly owned subsidiary, Uncommon Grounds Inc., established in 1984, is a coffee roasting and wholesale company based in Berkeley, California. Visit the website at http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ to purchase artisan roasted blends and single origin coffee beans from Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Sumatra, Columbia, Brazil and Nicaragua.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier

Growers Direct Coffee Appoints Mick Rynning as a Director

announced today that the board of directors have appointed Mr. Mick Rynning as a new director of Growers Direct Coffee Company, Inc. ("GWDC") Mr. JD Douthitt becomes the new Chairman of the Board and the other director Mr. Nepal Muhuri is the interim Chief Financial Officer. Chairman JD Douthitt commented that "Mr. Rynning is a hands-on guy who has the experience and exceptional credentials in the food and beverage industry, particularly in the coffee and franchise sector, that I am sure will greatly benefit the future growth of GWDC. I welcome Mr. Rynning as a director and will work very closely with him as we embrace the challenges of turning around GWDC."
Mick Rynning said "I have been aware of Growers Direct Coffee Company for some time and have admired their business model and top-shelf product offerings. I very much look forward to working with the Board of Directors to assess the overall state, structure and organization of GWDC, and to formulate a new strategic roadmap for our success. While shareholder value is fundamentally important, my focus will be on the drivers, key performance indicators, and relationships that will lead to increased value for our shareholders, business partners, and customers, alike. We will keep our shareholders informed as we move forward."
Mr. Rynning holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma, 1983, as well as Certificate, Management 2000 Franchise Business School, Houston, Texas, 2001. His past and current affiliations include: Executive Board Member, Fast Casual Magazine Executive Alliance, Speaker/Educational Panel Member, National Restaurant Association, International Franchise Association, National Coffee Association USA, Specialty Coffee Association of America.
Mr. Rynning is a result-oriented business executive with wealth of experience in senior management positions and proven achievements in companies ranging from new regional and national start-ups to multi billion dollar International franchise operations. Drawing on his diverse experience of management and operations, Mr. Rynning is uniquely poised to take GWDC to an improved future. Mr. Rynning was recently the President of Ellianos Coffee Company based in Lake City, Florida. Previously, Mr. Rynning served as a Director of International Business Development for Church's Chicken based in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Rynning's other business and franchise experience includes working as both the National Franchise Manager and Georgia District Operations Manager for OneSource Franchise Systems of Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Rynning has also worked as the Manager of International Franchise Administration for Atlanta-based AFC Enterprises, Inc., and working with the CEOs of AFC's four subsidiary brands (Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits, Church's Chicken, Cinnabon, and Seattle's Best Coffee). For more information about our coffee products, visit our website at www.growersdirectcoffee.com Our wholly owned subsidiary, Uncommon Grounds Inc., established in 1984, is a coffee roasting and wholesale company based in Berkeley, California. Visit the website at http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ to purchase artisan roasted blends and single origin coffee beans from Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Sumatra, Columbia, Brazil and Nicaragua.
From http://www.chinatopsupplier.com/ chinatopsupplier