When it comes to fruits and legumes, it's pretty much impossible to reach for anything bad. But often you can get extra goodies by reaching for red. Not only do naturally red foods make your meals look like they just arrived from a photo shoot, but they pile on the health benefits, too. Try these three heavy hitters:
· Red bell peppers: They have almost twice as much vitamin C as their green siblings. And getting ample C is credited with a 30 percent reduction in the risk of stroke, one of the top causes of death and disability in North Americans. Vitamin C helps your arteries stay young and keeps your immune system strong.
· Red kidney beans: These are right up there with blueberries when it comes to total phytonutrient value. And phytonutrients -- protective substances found in plant foods -- help your body produce more of its own antioxidants. These defenders swiftly mop up free radicals, the cellular byproducts that can damage DNA and lead to cancer, heart disease and early aging. So brighten up salads now and stews later by tossing in some crimson beauties.
· Red grapefruit: The red varieties contain more lycopene -- a phytonutrient that may add extra anti-cancer and heart-health benefits -- than white grapefruit does. Lycopene is absorbed better, though, when fat is around, so try tossing red grapefruit segments into a saute or salad drizzled with canola or olive oil. Or if you love spooning out the sections one-by-one on Sunday morning, eat them with a side of whole-grain toast spread with peanut butter. You're good to go.
From http://www.agriculture-supplier.com/ agriculture-supplier