
Man of steel Carl Edwards super on verge of Chase

While Kyle Busch might, in fact, be Batman -- he has a darker, more moody side -- Edwards is more like the Man of Steel.Faster than a speeding bullet, can leap tall buildings in a single bound ... is it a bird, is it a plane? -- no it's Cousin Carl.Edwards is strong, square-jawed, broad-shouldered and can do a backflip off a race car, which we haven't seen Kyle attempt, although he bows with much style.While Busch, who has won eight Sprint Cup races this year, can drive the wheels off just about anything, Edwards, who has five Cup victories with Sunday's 3M Performance 400 win at Michigan International Speedway, believes he's the best racer in the universe, which, if Kyle thinks he is, he hasn't publicly announced it.Edwards, without blinking an eye, said as much at MIS following his resounding win."My psyche and mentality is pretty much fixed on I'm the greatest race driver that ever lived," Edwards said. "You know what I'm saying? What helps me -- I mean, if you don't think that -- that's what David Pearson told me, if you don't believe that, you don't belong in the race car."While we are still waiting to catch him changing into a red-and-blue costume in a phone booth, Edwards is tough as nails and probably could bend an iron bar in his hands.Asked following his win at Michigan for Roush Fenway Racing if he were born with the confidence to achieve great things, Edwards said: "Deep down, you really have to believe in yourself, and I think everyone that performs at a high level in any sport does."Edwards, who doesn't back down from a fight, said he watched the Olympics on Saturday night and was amazed by the performances, and particularly what made champions just that."It struck me, you know, you see individuals like that achieve so well and they achieve just great things, and then there's the other folks who don't," Edwards said."Just having the guts to go out there and jump in the water and swim or go run 100 meters in front of the whole world and compete, you have the chance to lose, but you just have to do the best you can. That's all you can do."Edwards is confident, self-assured and extremely capable.He might have a weakness, like Superman did, but we haven't discovered it.Edwards will mix it up on short tracks, and is swift and brave on superspeedways.He finished third in Cup points in 2005 and is currently second to Busch in this year's standings and peaking for the Chase for the Championship."Our pit crew has stepped up the game," said Edwards of Sunday's crisp, clean pit stops that helped him win. "That was our big weakness for a long time, and the guys have repeatedly, week after week, worked harder and become better. I feel like we are competing to win. I feel good.
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